Thursday, 16 April 2015

Unit Learning goal:

Students will demonstrate an understand of one the main concept of the novel by producing a final project (PowerPoint, Film, Presentation) that incorporates a 1-page essay that explains how a main concept works in the novel and using specific examples to backs up the students ideas.

Main Concepts:

Does the American law guarantee justice for all?
How does personal experience contribute to prejudice?
How do our preconceptions influence our sense of justice?
Can a hero have both good and bad qualities?

Scale/Rubric relating to learning goal:
4 – The student can produce a project that explores and demonstrates in-depth understanding of a main concept in the novel and/or connects two of more of these concepts together.
3 – The student can produce a project that demonstrates an understanding of a main concept and how it works in the novel.
2 – With some direction/help from the teacher the student can produce a project that demonstrates an understanding of a main concept and how it works in the novel.

1 – Even with help from the teacher the student is unable to produce a project that demonstrates an understanding of a main concept and how it works in the novel.


Students will be able to

1)  Explain how the following themes work in the novel: The meaning of duty; How prejudice works in society; The meaning of courage, Appearance vs. Reality
2)  Discuss the meaning of the following symbol: mockingbirds, the knot-hole, the mad dog
3)  Keep a reading journal – which includes character development, allusions, symbols, questions about the meaning of justice or how prejudice works
4)  Discuss how the author’s life and times influences the novel.
5)  Outline the plot and discuss why the author may how chosen to structure the novel how she did.
6)  Discuss how Scout grows during the novel and why the novel can be considered a Bildungsroman.
7)  Keep a detailed list of characters recording important details about them as the student reads (starting with chapter 1)
8)  Explain – why you never really understand a person until you… (Point of View Exercise)
9)  In a group write testimonies and recreate the courtroom scene from the novel
10) Keep a list of the various types of prejudices that occur in the novel
11) Discuss how setting is important to this novel.
12) Discuss how the Civil War references/allusions work in the overall meaning of the novel.

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