Thursday, 20 November 2014

Unit Learning goal: Students will be able to write a 1-2 page essay citing textual evidence to support an analysis of Fahrenheit 451 as a cautionary tale.

Essential Questions: 
How is Fahrenheit 451 a cautionary tale?  Cautionary against what?
Is Technology taking over our lives?
What is your connection to television?
Why do people read or tell stories? 
What is censorship and how does it appear in the world? 
Why is it important to fight against censorship? 
Is our nation reading less? 
How do we convey complex thoughts or emotions? 
What if books were illegal?  What if music became illegal?   


Students should spend the class prewriting: making a list of things the novel “cautions” the reader against (there are a few – check the questions above).  Then they should list scenes from the book that back up their ideas.  Make sure that they go back their “reading logs” and through the book for specific examples.

Last, they should write a thesis.  A good solid thesis.


Students will share thesis statements and tweak them if needed.  Discuss the outline of an introduction paragraph.  Students will work on intro paragraphs.  Remember that a good hook will return in the conclusion.  Make sure you have a good intro written before they move on.


Work on body paragraphs.

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