Monday 10 November 2014


Today, we need to review the six rules for commas and take notes on rules for the colon. 

We will also continue reading Fahrenheit 451.  Those of you who are having problems writing about "why are these pages important" - try and connect the pages to one of the books major themes (the overall theme).  Before we read lets review some themes and essential questions to ask ourselves are we read.


The Dangers of Censorship
The Dangers of Ignorance
The search for Identity
How censorship and mass media can be used to control people
The importance of independent thought and creativity

Essential Questions: 
How is Fahrenheit 451 a cautionary tale?  Cautionary against what?
Is Technology taking over our lives?
What is your connection to television?
Why do people read or tell stories? 
What is censorship and how does it appear in the world? 
Why is it important to fight against censorship? 
Is our nation reading less? 
How do we convey complex thoughts or emotions? 
What if books were illegal?  What if music became illegal?   
Does the white clown love you?  


 A short synopsis of the action and character development (what happened who was involved?  Did anyone change? )
 Your interpretation of the significant events occurring in these pages (how were these pages important to the development of the story?)
 Noteworthy figurative language and other literary elements (metaphors, similes, symbols, irony?)
 Vocabulary—unfamiliar words (Look up the words you do not know!!!!) 

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