Wednesday 18 February 2015

Review for Quiz

Make sure you know how - Act I ends, Act II ends, Act III ends.  Be able to summarize each act.

Know the 5 elements of Tragedy, 5 elements of a Tragic Hero, 4 elements of an English Sonnet.

Be able to define and give examples of - dramatic foil, oxymoron, direct metaphor, implied metaphor, extended metaphor, personification, soliloquy and monologue.

Be able to outline the plot (up to where we are in the play - the falling action).

Know what side of the feud the characters are on (Montague, Capulet, or Prince).


Why does Capulet decide to marry Juliet to Paris?
What is the symbolism between the Lark and the Nightingale?
List and explain one allusion.
What does Romeo mean when he says, after killing Tybalt, "I am fortune's fool!"
List two foreshadows from Act III.
Why does Juliet use a bunch of oxymorons to talk about Rome in Act III scene ii lines 73-85?
How does Romeo betray Juliet in Act III.
Why didn't the Prince sentence Romeo to death?
Why is their no world without Verona's walls?
What is worse than Tybalt's death?  What does Juliet mean when she says "Romeo is banished - to speak that word is father, mother, Tybalt, Romeo, Juliet all slain all dead. Romeo is banished - there is no end, no limit, measure bound, in that word's death."

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