Monday 6 October 2014

Blues Ain't No Mockingbird

Today we are going to read, "Blues Ain't No Mockingbird".

As you read mark allusions, dialect, character development, and outline the plot.  Also remember that titles can act as symbols.  The title of this story is a symbol.

plural noun: blues; plural noun: the blues
  1. 1.
    melancholic music of black American folk origin, typically in a twelve-bar sequence. It developed in the rural southern US toward the end of the 19th century, finding a wider audience in the 1940s as blacks migrated to the cities. This urban blues gave rise to rhythm and blues and rock and roll.
    • a piece of blues music.
      noun: blues
      "we'll do a blues in C"
  2. 2.
    feelings of melancholy, sadness, or depression.
    "she's got the blues"

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